Welcome to Bottom Gear
A multiplayer game made by a group of 4 university students in Unity using PUN2 in the span of 1 month.
Final version one client gameplay
Two client gameplay (0.75, previous version)
How to use:
We are:
- GitHub account: AitorSimona
- GitHub account: CarlesHoms
- GitHub account: DidacRomero
- GitHub account: VictorChen
- Visual Studio 2019
- Unity 2020.2.0f1
- Photon PUN2
- Wwise 2019.2.7.7402
Thanks / References
- https://github.com/rlbogue/Rbogue (UI Gauge base)
- https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/BoatAttack
- https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/UniversalRenderingExamples
- https://medium.com/@porter.johnross/unity-custom-rendering-and-improved-outlines-in-the-universal-render-pipeline-506d5f3ce496